10MB Logo


Host your beautiful website for free

Upload files

Upload Your Files

Upload Your Files Image

It takes just a few clicks to upload your HTML, CSS, and Javascript files.



Fast and reliable hosting services.

SSL Certificate

Secure connection with SSL certificates.


Personalize your URL with a subdomain.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I upload my website?
You can upload your website by clicking on the 'Drop your files' button at the top of the page. This will take you to our upload interface where you can select your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files.

Is hosting really free?
Yes, hosting on 10MB is absolutely free. We aim to provide a platform for developers to share their projects without any cost.

Can I update my website after uploading?
Currently, you need to re-upload your files for any updates. We are working on a feature to allow direct updates in the future.

Do you provide a custom domain?
At the moment, we offer a subdomain for your projects. Custom domain support is something we're considering for future updates.

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